Santa Elena Monteverde, Costa Rica
Monteverde Buses
Bus Schedule for buses to and from Monteverde.
San Jose: 5.30 am & 2.30 pm - 4 hours - $6 aproximately
goes by the airport from Monteverde.
from San Jose if you are at the airport in Alajuela you can try and catch the bus in the intersection of Villa Bonita on highway 1, but you might end up standing all the way here.
Best if you catch the bus in downtown San Jose terminal . Ave 9 between street 10 $ 12.
Puntarenas: 6.00 am Direct service - 1.15 pm via las Juntas - $4 aprox.
2.15 pm via Lagartos intersection.
Tilaran: 7.00 am - 3.5 hrs $3
La Fortuna & Arenal Volcano:
8.00 am & 2.00 pm - Jeep boat Jeep service: $28 and 30 pp
From Liberia to Monteverde:
Take a bus from Liberia going torwards Puntarenas.
Get dropped off at the Irma intersection (Las Juntas de Abangares - nearest town to Santa Elena)
There will be a bus passing by this intersection going torwards Monteverde between 2.30 - 3.00 pm comming from Puntarenas. Catch this one. you will arrive in Santa Elena about 4.30 or 5.00 pm.
Else get dropped off further on on highway 1 at the Sardinal Intersection and catch the bus comming from San Jose around 4.30 - 5.00 pm (this one will drop you off infront of the hostel)
From the Nicaraguan Border is similar from Liberia just take the transportes deldu bus.
From the Peñas Blancas Nicaragua Border to Liberia.
Private Shuttles are also available TO and FROM all major destinations in Costa Rica.
San Jose, Liberia, Manuel Antonio, Tamarindo, Samara, Nicoya, la Fortuna, Arenal Volcano, etc..
Prices range between $50 and $60 pp depending on destination.
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IMG-20221114-WA0011 | IMG-20221114-WA0015 | 11896177_10206220449743859_7146672441047219056_n | Casa Tranquilo HostelFront view of our hostel |
Our privatesPrivate room with private bath | Private Room | Social AreaTV room & book exchange | Private room |
Privates | Casa Tranquilo Hostel | Paz y FloraVegetarian Restaurant | waterfall rappelling 4 |
Tarzan SwingExtremo Canopy Tour | The Fig TreeHollow tree climbing spot! | Happy Travelersat Casa Tranquilo Hostel |